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About Creatrix Magick

About Us

We are Children of the Creatrix, the Great Mother of All Beings, who is the Goddess Hekate for us, for She is the Matron of our Coven and all Rituals are guided and inspired by Her Presence. We are Her instruments, dedicated to self-knowledge, teaching, self-healing, healing of other beings and our whole planet. We have a physical Coven in Victoria, BC, Canada guided by Her and practicing Modern Hekatean Witchcraft to promote common good and our own Evolution/Ascension. Now offering online meetups, rituals and Initiations, we are ready to connect with the whole world and have already become an international Community.
Blessed Be all who hear Her Call and follow Her Path.


On the World Goddess Day 2015, September 6th at Beacon Hill Park in Victoria, BC, Canada, a Pagan group headed by Brazilian Hekatean Witch and High Priestess Femi Heqet met to debate, chant, meditate on and celebrate our 

Great Mother Goddess.

 1 year and 1 day later, from that group, shaman,  poet and Magick teacher Robert Johnson was chosen by Hekate for the role of High Priest. After making their vows to the Goddess and to the new Community, Robert and Femi, oriented by Her, started together the Creatrix Magick.

Since then, they have been celebrating together all the Sabbats and Esbats, opening their house doors and creating pubic events to revere the Goddess Hekate and the God Apollo and teach Their Lessons and Magickal Path in this mystical city on Vancouver Island. 


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